Top-notch technology solutions

for program development and implementation plans.

We understand the complexities that come with running successful educational programs so our services are designed to make your job easier. Our certified educators make it simple to manage every detail from customizing lesson plans to tracking student progress.

With The Girl Geek’s comprehensive suite of tech tools, you’ll have more control over operations, better insight into student performance data, and peace of mind knowing that the details are always taken care of – freeing up time for what really matters most - inspiring learners to reach their fullest potential.

See how The Girl Geek can help take your
program development & implementation plan to the next level!

A Proud Girl Geek

Dr. Sharis Lattimore - Founder & CEO

With a lifelong commitment to STEM, Dr. Sharis M. Lattimore always had a passion for the field and affectionately calls herself a “proud girl geek.”

Dr. Lattimore has served as: a systems engineer with IBM; a high school mathematics and computer programming classroom teacher; a districtwide K-12 technology resource teacher; a budget and finance specialist in Career and Technical Education (CTE); an instructional technology specialist; and she retired as the director of Technology Integration in Jefferson County (KY) Public Schools, a large urban district of 100,000 students. Following retirement, Dr. Lattimore also served as the deputy director for Verizon Innovative Learning Schools in Washington, DC.